1/25 Monday- No School, Staff Development Day
1/26 Tuesday- Family Day (10:45-11:30)
1/27 Wednesday- Homework and Library Book Due
1/28 Thursday-
1/29 Friday- Mrs. Vazquez will be teaching today, Library (9:00-9:30), Computer Lab (10:45-11:25),
What We're Learning
- Math: Numbers to 100, Beginning Addition, New Game: Go Fish with deck of cards (face cards removed)...play at home! :)
- Language Arts: Letter/Sound of the week: Gg
- Sight Words: Please work with you child at home on reading, writing, and spelling sight words! Many kids can already identify all 30 sight words, but still have trouble spelling/writing sight words. Please work with them at home on identifying, reading, and writing their sight words. New game: Grab it! Cut index cards in 1/2 (the more colorful the better), write sight words on index cards, place cards on a table face up, play with a partner, "on your mark, get set go!" Players read sight word and then grab card...kids play until all cards are gone. Player with more cards wins!
- Reading/Writing Workshop: First, Next, Last