
  • Snacks are provided at the 10:15 a.m. recess.  
  • For the first 3 days of school, snacks will be provided by the teachers.  
  • Subsequent snacks will be provided by the parents and coordinated by each classroom’s teacher. We encourage you to bring snacks for the class that are low in fat and sugar.  Balanced, nutritious snacks can help children maintain energy, lengthen attention span throughout the day, and provide fuel for growth and development.
  • Each month, a calendar will be sent home, showing the day(s) your child is being asked to bring in a healthy snack for the class.  It will also be posted online and in the classroom on the parent board. Please highlight your day and keep your calendar at home on your refrigerator/family bulletin board.  You will be asked to bring in healthy snacks for at least 24 students.  Please put snacks in individual clear plastic cups or baggies to minimize mess and so that snack are easy to hand out.  
  • Please inform the teacher of any allergies that your son/daughter may have.  We would like to meet with you during the first week of school to discuss your concerns and learn about your child's specific requirements.  It is also important to provide the teacher with your child's food allergy emergency action plan (from doctor) BEFORE the first day of school so we can make sure your child is safe and happy at school.
Some kindergarten snack favorites include:
  • Fruit: 
    • Sliced apples or pears (dip in orange juice to keep from turning brown
    • Nectarines or peaches
    • Grapes (cut in 1/2)
    • Pineapple chunks
    • Applesauce
    • Strawberries
    • Bananas
    • Watermelon chunks
    • Melon chunks
    • Oranges or clementines (peeled or cut into triangles)
    • Dried fruit: raisins, apples, banana chips, Papaya, apricot, mango strips 
  • Yogurt 
  • Cheese Sticks
  • Smartfood
  • Rice Cakes
  • Benitos White Bean Chips
  • Pirates Booty or Smartpuffs
  • Gummie Snacks
  • Tortilla Chips
  • Popcorn in Baggies
  • Veggie Chips/ Stix
  • Low sugar granola or fruit bars
  • Muffins, Pita Bread, or Bagels (cut in 1/4's)
  • Baby Carrots
  • 100 Calorie Packs
  • Healthy crackers, graham crackers, pretzels 
If you forget to bring snack on your scheduled day you will be asked to bring in a healthy snack for our reserve. It should be a snack that will not go bad if left in the cupboard for a few weeks.  Thank you!